
There are many ways to use Artifactory with Buildkite. This document covers how to configure the Buildkite Agent's built-in Artifactory support, as well as how to use Artifactory's package management features in your Buildkite pipelines.

Buildkite Agent's Artifactory support

The Buildkite Agent can upload and download artifacts directly from Artifactory. Export the following environment variables in your Agent environment hook to configure the Agent's Artifactory support.

See the Managing pipeline secrets documentation for how to securely set up these environment variables.

Required environment vars:

BUILDKITE_ARTIFACT_UPLOAD_DESTINATION The Artifactory repository and path that will be used to upload and download artifacts, starting with an rt:// prefix
Example: "rt://some-repo/build-$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER/$BUILDKITE_JOB_ID/"
BUILDKITE_ARTIFACTORY_URL Your Artifactory instance URL, including the /artifactory suffix
Example: https://my-artifactory-server/artifactory
BUILDKITE_ARTIFACTORY_USER The username of a user configured in your Artifactory instance
Example: some-user
BUILDKITE_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD The API Key, Access Token, or password for your Artifactory user
Example: AKCp5dKiQ9syTzu9GFhpF3iTzDcFhYAa4...

Once the above environment variables are configured, all artifact uploads and downloads will use Artifactory. For example, the following command step will build a binary and upload it to Artifactory using the artifact_paths attribute:

  - label: ":golang: :package:"
    command: "go build -v -o myapp-darwin-amd64"
    artifact_paths: "myapp-darwin-amd64"
      - docker#v3.3.0:
          image: "golang:1.11"
Screenshot of a Buildkite command step's output logging an artifact upload to Artifactory
Screenshot of an artifact in the go-local repository in Artifactory

Retrieving artifacts using the Buildkite Agent

The Buildkite Agent uses Buildkite's APIs to fetch the correct URLs to download artifacts from Artifactory. By default, the agent searches for artifacts uploaded within the same build. To download artifacts that were uploaded in different builds using buildkite-agent artifact download or artifacts-buildkite-plugin, pass the BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID of the job through which the artifact was uploaded, as additional information to the --build option's argument.

Using Artifactory for package management

To help cache and secure your build dependencies, you can use Artifactory's package management features in your Buildkite pipelines. Each package management platform is configured differently.

For example, to use an Artifactory NPM registry in your build steps, you can configure the following Agent environment hook to instruct the npm command to use Artifactory instead of

export NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY="https://${BUILDKITE_ARTIFACTORY_USER}:${BUILDKITE_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD}@my-artifactory-server/artifactory/api/npm/npm-local/"

You can use this same approach for Ruby gem repositories, Docker registries, and any other Artifactory supported package managers.

If you're running build steps in a Docker container, you'll need to ensure the package management configuration is available inside the container. For example, if you're testing Node in a container, you'll need to pass through the above NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY environment variable into the container:

  - label: ":node: :hammer:"
      - npm install
      - npm test
        image: "node:11"